Furniture from the estate of Mr. and Mrs. André Lazard (château de Montjoye (78) and private mansion in Neuilly), including sets delivered to order by JANSEN
FURNITURE and ART OBJECTS: 18th-century furniture, stamped furniture (Jean-Baptiste Vassou, Charles Chevallier, Jean Desforges), 19th-century and period furniture, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, design, clocks, chandeliers, religious art, icons, freemasonry, venry, sulfures
ORIENT RUGS and tapestries
Haute Epoque: Laurence FLIGNY
Icons and historical souvenirs: Maxime CHARRON
Carpets: Frank and Elise KASSAPIAN
Exhibition: Friday, October 18 from 2 pm to 6 pm, the morning of the sale from 10 am to 12 pm, and by appointment.